

part 1




what would your ideal job be�� do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff�� is the opportunity to work abroad important to you�� �ȵȡ�

������������һ�����ի�ʱ����һ����������ϸ������ϊ���������˿�����do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff�� �󣬿��ܻ��ʿ�����what do you think of it�����������û����ϸ������ҫ�կ���˵sorry��please pardon ������ӱ�����ч����


part 2


��������ϣ���ϵ�����ش��磺what is important when hellip�� �� opening a branch in a new cityl the locationl the potential purchasing power



part 3


�������������۶�ӧ�û������룬���ܽ����⽻���է�ȥ������������˫��ġ��磺business seminaryour company is going to hold a seminar on a certain topic about marketing. you have been asked to help with the preparation for the seminar.discuss the situation together and decide:l what facilities and seminar arrangements you will need to makel who you are going to invite to attend the seminar�� and how to contact them.


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